Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines: All you want to know

Indiana Parenting guidelines

Both parents love their children very much and are always ready to take responsibility for the child happily and willingly. After having a lot of discussion and planning, they decide to have a family. But, due to some unfortunate circumstances, the parents decide to separate and get divorced. At that time the custody of the … Read more

What Is Unstructured Play, And Why is it So Crucial for My Child?


You may be familiar with unstructured play, an activity that can greatly enhance your child’s brain development while they have fun. How does it work? Well, you simply scrap the rules and let your child be the leader when it comes to playtime. It’s great for children because they can exercise, it boosts their cognition, … Read more

3 Fun Ways to Intimately Bond With Your Baby

3 Fun Ways to Intimately Bond With Your Baby

You have spent nine months carrying your baby and once the baby is born, you will spend the rest of your life building a relationship with your child. Babies know the sound of their parents’ voices from around nineteen weeks in utero, so when your baby comes into the world, it can turn to look … Read more

Stem cell Banking: the process that every parent should choose for

stem cell banking

Stem cells are special human cells that bifurcate and develop into various different cells like muscle cells, skin cells, brain cells, blood cells etc. during early life and growth. These cells can repair the damage done in the tissue and muscles of organs due to their constant and incessant multiplying. Stem cells are also used … Read more

20 Foods to increase breastmilk supply

foods to increase breast milk supply

Breastfeeding is the most important and integral part of raising a child. Breast milk helps in developing a baby’s immune system and also helps in developing a beautiful bond between the mother and the baby. Pediatricians usually suggest that babies should be exclusively breastfed for six months or more. Many mothers choose to breastfeed their … Read more

Angry Child Outbursts: 10 Essential Rules for Dealing with an Angry Child

angry child outbursts

Dealing with an angry child is never easy. No matter how cool and calm your demeanor is, something snaps inside when a child shows anger and throws tantrums. Worse still, many parents don’t even know how to handle angry outbursts from their little ones – some freeze up, while some try to school the kids … Read more

Flavored milk: The benefits of giving flavored milk to kids

flavored milk

Milk is considered to be a whole food full of all the essential nutrients. The early lactation milk contains colostrum which is the main source of nutrients for the newborn baby. It contains all the immunity boosters and immunoglobulins that help develop a baby’s immune system. Milk is primarily produced in the mammary glands of … Read more