Both parents love their children very much and are always ready to take responsibility for the child happily and willingly. After having a lot of discussion and planning, they decide to have a family. But, due to some unfortunate circumstances, the parents decide to separate and get divorced. At that time the custody of the child is awarded to one of the parents, who the court thinks will be able to take proper care of the child and the other parent is awarded visiting hours or parenting time for the child. In the United States of America, every state has different rules and regulations for parenting. Today we will discuss Indiana parenting guidelines. These guidelines are for parenting in Indiana state of the United States of America.
The Guideline was established by the Indiana Supreme Court and it includes the actual rules and commentary about the rules. When you are going through it it is mandatory to go through both the sections as the commentary explains to you the rules in detail. The court understands the child’s need for love and care by both the parents and as a result of which, these particular guidelines are formed and these have to be followed by both the set of parents. The Indiana Child support bureau holds a parenting time helpline where a parent can understand the rules and regulations in detail.
Table of Contents
Why do we need parenting guidelines?
Children whose parents are living apart need more care and attention. This separation has taken a toll on a child’s emotions also and a child needs to understand a lot of things. Here is a list of a few things which a child should know as a part of their basic needs
- Parents are not living apart because of the child’s fault
- A child should be able to develop an independent relationship with each parent and should get good care and support from both the parents
- The child should be free from the conflict between the two parents.
- The child should have a relaxed and secure relationship with both the parents without being manipulated by the other parent.
- They should have a chance to regularly meet each set of parents and should be financially supported by both sets of parents.
- He or she should be able to develop a meaningful relationship with other family members.
Indiana Parenting Guidelines
For the safety and security of the child, the Indiana Parenting Guideline is divided into 5 sections and it is mandatory to follow all of these sections by the book. These parenting guidelines are generally applicable to all types of parenting, including paternity cases and cases involving joint legal custody. But, not applicable to situations involving domestic violence. There are 5 main sections of Indiana parenting Guidelines that we should know about.
Section 1: General rule applicable to parenting time
Section 2: Specific parenting time provision
Section 3: Parenting time when the distance is a major factor
Section 4: Parallel parenting
Section 5: Parenting Coordination
Section 1: General rule applicable to parenting time
This Section of the Indiana parenting guidelines includes the following sub-topics which are as follows
- Communication
- Implementation of parenting time
- Changes in scheduled parenting time
- Right to information
- Resolution of problems and relocation
It is the responsibility of both parents to keep each other updated about their work schedule, home, and work address, and telephone number. Any change in the information shall be communicated to the other parent in writing or via e-mail. All decisions regarding the child shall be taken only after both the parents agree on it and have had a proper discussion at the proper time about it.
Any set of a parent is entitled to have a private conversation with the child without the interference of another parent. The child should be encouraged to respect the other parent by each parent and never should they bad mouth about the other parent in front of the child or even when he or she is around. The parents’ relatives should also do the same.
Both parents should also have reasonable phone access to the child, wherever the child is located. But, this conversation should be done at a reasonable time without disturbing the other parents’ schedule, should for a reasonable duration and at reasonable intervals. The messages left over the parents answering machine, voice mail, or a pager should be communicated to the child immediately and the call should be returned immediately or in a reasonable time.
A parent and a child can communicate privately with each other via e-mail, fax, cards, or any other means of communication. However, this permission of communicating via e-mail and electronic media should not overrule the other parents’ authority on deciding the time of use of the internet and social media.
Whenever a child travels out of town with another parent, the other parent should be provided with the full itinerary of the travel along with travel dates, mode of travel, and the communication number of where they are staying. The parent should also be provided with the name and telephone number of the third person who knows where the parent and the child are located.
Each parent is encouraged to have a positive relationship with the child and the other parent does not have any right to bar the communication between the other parent and the kid. Regular phone calls, e-mails, and video calls via Skype and other mediums are encouraged.
Implementation of parenting time
As per the guidelines, the parent receiving the child should arrange for the transportation of the child and the other parent should arrange for the transportation at the pickup time. In case of any delay in the scheduled time, the other parent should be informed well in advance. Both parents should be present at the time of the exchange of the child. If one of the parents is not available at the exchange point or time due to unavoidable circumstances. When both parents live far apart, then a middle exchange point should be decided by both parties.
Each parent should be punctual about the scheduled pick-up and drop off time. If there is any change due to unavoidable circumstances then it should be communicated as soon as possible to the other parent at the earliest.
The custodial parent should also provide with extra pair of clean clothes and the other parent should make a point of returning the clothes in a proper clean condition. Also, a parent should enter another parent’s residence only by taking prior permission and should not invade the privacy of the other parent.
Changes in scheduled parenting time
Both the parents should understand that there will be times or situations when following the scheduled parenting time may not be possible for any one of the parents and should be ready to resolve that issue willingly by supporting the other parent. They should be understanding that on the whole what they are doing is in the best interest of their child. According to Indiana parenting guidelines following are the rules and regulations that should be followed for keeping up with scheduled parenting time.
Parenting time is both a right and responsibility of each set of parents and the child is entitled to enjoy equal parenting time with both parents without any bias. It is the responsibility of both the parents to follow the parenting time orders. The parenting time should not be decided by the child as he or she is too young to make that decision. In case a parent is not able to provide personal care during the parenting time that he or she should arrange for the child care services or should pay for the cost of childcare that the other parent had to bear in the absence of that parent. Any kind of unacceptable excuses is not allowed in the scheduled parenting time.
If there arises a need to adjust the parenting schedule, due to any event or emergency that is out of the routine, then the parent who comes to know about it first will let the other parent know well in advance. When one parent loses the scheduled parenting time then the makeup parenting time should be decided as early as possible. If both the parents mutually cannot agree on the make-up time then the parent who lost the parenting time can decide the time within one month of the missed parenting time.
When any parent requires more child support from a third person, then the first choice should be the other parent if he or she is willing to do so. If the other parent agrees then it would be at no cost and the former parent will have to arrange for the transportation unless a solution is decided by both the parents.
Right to information
Both parents have an equal right to obtain information about their children. A parent can get information about his or her child from various child care services and also from school. It is very important for both the parents to participate in the upbringing of the child. Also, both parents should share all the information they have about the child with each other and not withhold it from either of the parents.
Both parents have the right to access the child’s school records and to see the progress report of the child. Each parent should obtain the school information independently and a parent should not interfere with other parent’s right to communicate with the school personnel for the child. The non-custodial parent’s number and communication address will be listed as the emergency contact information unless it endangers the child’s safety.
All information regarding the school activities should be provided to both the parents by each other. The parenting exercising the parenting time is responsible to transport the child to school-related activities. One parent should always notify the other parent regarding all organized events in a child’s life and should allow the other parent to participate and volunteer for the arrangements.
All the information regarding the child’s health should be provided to the non-custodial parent. The non-custodial parent has the right over all the health records of the child. If the child needs some urgent treatment then a mutual discussion should be held between both the parents. If the child is taking any medicine that requires special attention then the custodial parent should provide enough medication as well as information about when to give the medication and other instructions to the non-custodial parent. Also, the parent who has insurance coverage of the child shall provide insurance cards and other relevant information of the company to the non-custodial parent.
Resolution of problems and relocation
If the parents are having issues over the parenting time then, they should first try to sit and solve the problem through a mutual discussion. If they are not able to do so, then only the court should be approached. In case you go to the court then the parents are forced to enter into the process of mediation. If a child is not ready to enter the parenting schedule then it becomes the responsibility of both the parents to see that the child strictly follows it and the child’s decision should not be taken into consideration.
If any parent is considering relocation then notice should be given to other parents 90 days in advance of the relocation. Parenting time or child support should not be withheld from any non-custodial parent even if they break the court’s law. It is the basic right of the parent as well as the child.
Section II: Specific parenting time provisions
Some specific parenting time provisions need to be followed according to Indiana parenting guidelines. Here is the reason why there is a need for these provisions and what are they? The best parenting plan is the one which is created by the parents and it works best for both the parents and the child. So, both parents should get together to create the best parenting plan for the kid.
If an agreement is reached between both parents then the plan made by the parents will be put into writing and the court will approve that. If the parents are unable to reach a common conclusion, then the court and the child care services will lend a helping hand.
Overnight parenting time
Overnight parenting time is included in the scheduled parenting time ordered by the court unless and until it is proved by the custodial parent that the non-custodial parent does not have any proper child care arrangement. It is assumed by the court that both the parents have bonded equally well with the child and will soon adjust to the changes in their life.
The age-wise parenting time provided under the Indiana parenting law is decided according to the different age groups of the child as the child matures differently at different ages and requires a lot of time for bonding with the non-custodial parent.
Parenting time for infants and toddlers
Infants (children who are under 18 months of age) and toddlers (children under the age of five years) need constant care from the primary care provider or the custodial parent for their sense of security. So, parenting time must be decided in a way that does not interfere with their regular schedule. Infants and toddlers tend to forget the face that is not in front of them. Hence, frequent short visits by the non-custodial parent are more appreciated as compared to longer less frequent visits. Overnight contact between the parent and the child is very important for the bonding between the parent and the child. But, infants can get scared when they do not find their regular care provider at night and may become fussy and cranky despite having excellent care.
After the child gets accustomed to the hands-on care by both the parents then the regular parenting time should be exercised so that it helps in the overall development of the child.
Early infant parenting time
0 to 4 months
- Three non-consecutive days per week for a constant 2 hours in length
- All public holidays for 2 hours in length
- Overnight parenting time if the non-custodial parent has practiced proper parenting care and if the infant is comfortable with it. But, it should not exceed more than 24 hours.
5 to 9 months
- Three non-consecutive days per week for a length of 3 hours. But, the child should be returned one hour before bed-time.
- All public holidays for 3 hours in length.
- Overnight parenting time if the non-custodial parent has practiced proper child care. But, it should not exceed more than 24 hours.
Later infancy parenting time
10 months to 36 months
There are some changes in parenting time for later infancy. Here are the rules and regulations that are included.
10 months to 12 months
- Three non-consecutive days per week with one non-working day for 8 hours. The other two days should include 3 hours each and the child should be returned one hour before bed-time.
- All scheduled holidays for 8 hours and the kid should be returned one hour before bedtime.
- Overnight if the non-custodial parent has provided with the regular care facility but, it should not exceed more than 24 hours.
13 months to 18 months
- Three non-consecutive days per week with one non-working day for 10 hours. The other two days should include 3 hours each and the child should be returned one hour before bed-time.
- All scheduled holidays for 8 hours and the kid should be returned one hour before bedtime.
- Overnight if the non-custodial parent has provided with the regular care facility but, it should not exceed more than 24 hours per week.
19 months to 36 months
- Alternate weekends on Saturday and Sunday for 10 hours each. The child should be returned one hour before bedtime. Unless overnight is appropriate
- One day in the mid-week for three hours. The child should be returned one hour before bedtime unless overnight is appropriate during the weekdays.
- 10 hours during all scheduled holidays. The child should be returned one hour before bedtime.
- If a non-custodial who had not exercised proper parenting care initially, has exercised it properly for continuous nine months then he is entitled to the regular parenting time.
Parenting time 3 years and above
The regular parenting time rules and regulations for the child 3 years and older are a lot different then from infants and toddlers. Here are those rules and regulations.
Regular parenting time
- Alternate weekends every month from Friday 6 pm to Sunday at 6 pm.
- A period of four hours for the child one evening per week. The child should be returned no later than 9 pm.
- All scheduled holidays are counted for parenting time.
Extended parenting time for child 3 to 4 years of age
The non-custodial parent can have up to 4 non-consecutive weeks of extended parenting from 4 PM on Sunday up to 4 PM next Sunday. The non-custodial parent has to inform the custodial parent about two months in advance about the particular week and their schedule of that week and use of time.
Parenting time for 5 years and above
Apart from other weekends and holidays, the parenting time will include one half of the summer vacation. The summer vacation is calculated as the day the school lets the students off and it ends the day before the school re-opens. The time can be consecutive or can be divided into two parts. The non-custodial parent can inform the custodial parent about the timings till April 1. If the notice is not provided then the custodial parent can make the decision and then inform the other parent.
The summer vacation should be shared equally between parents and Christmas and other holidays should be shared according to the holiday schedule. If the child has a balanced school schedule throughout the year then the extended parenting time of the non-custodial parent includes the first half of the Fall and the Spring break.
When the child is attending summer school then the parent responsible for parenting time is responsible for the child’s transportation and attendance in school.
During extended parenting time, if the child is with any of the parents for more then two weeks the other parent gets the advantage of the regular parenting time included in the extended parenting schedule for them. The selection of the parents’ Summer parenting time will not hamper with the other parents Holiday parenting schedule.
Parenting time for the adolescent and teenagers
Regular parenting time is of utmost importance
Adolescence and teenage is such a phase of life when the kids need the most support from the parents and the nearest and dearest family members. A very strong connection between the immediate family keeps the teenager safe and this responsibility rests on both the parent’s shoulders. The teenager’s need for independence as well as his or her active participation with the family has to be equally balanced. For this, parents should spend quality time with teenagers. The teenager should also be sharing a healthy relationship with his or her other siblings. Sometimes siblings can understand each other better and be a strong support to each other.
Both parents should make a point to teach their teenager important values and lessons of life and also see to it that the child abides by the rules and regulations of the parenting time.
Also, as the teen matures both the parents should sit together and decide on the rules of acceptable behavior, and then start training the kid that way. Also, the good behavior, as well as the good decisions made by the teenager, should be appreciated and he or she should be given more freedom. The child should be made to understand that this extra choice of freedom that is given to him is earned by him because of his good behavior and not his natural freedom, which will encourage him to make more good choices in life.
The teenager should be involved in the decision making by both the parents and the decision taken, should be agreed upon by all. If the parents cannot agree with each other and if they leave the decision making to the kid, then they are endangering the kid’s future. Because teenagers are still not mature enough to make proper decisions.
Special consideration
When a non-custodial parent is exercising parenting time, then he or she should make special efforts to include the teenager in his or her academic, sports, or other social activities.
Making parenting plans
Parents must develop a parenting plan that is more flexible and can evolve and change with time. This is because a child’s needs at the age of thirteen may be very different when he was ten years old, or maybe different when he or she is eighteen years old. Also, the parenting plan must assure the regular involvement of both parents, which may become more difficult if the parents are living far apart.
Also, if both the parent’s ideas differ on what freedom should be given to the kid, and what should not be, then at least the parents should be united on the point that the decision making power remains with them, and the child should not take his or her own decisions. When the parents are living apart, the parents need to be more considerate as the child needs to adapt to two different and distinct ways of dealing with things, which is difficult for the child to adapt. But, on the positive side, it will also teach the kid about a whole new perspective of solving problems.
Holiday parenting time
There might be a lot of conflict of parenting time when there are holidays. So, let us have a look at the Indiana Parenting guidelines for holidays. During holidays, holiday parenting time takes priority over any other kind of parenting time. And during long vacation periods, the extended parenting time takes priority. Alternative weekend parenting time shall be continued as it is. If one parent misses the alternative weekend as it is the holiday parenting time of the other parent then that time will be lost for that parent.
When a non-custodial parent is receiving two consecutive weekends because of the holiday, then he or she is entitled to receive the third weekend also. The regular rule of alternative weekend parenting time shall remain the same for the entire year.
Holiday parenting time schedule
Here is the holiday parenting time schedule for special days and different vacations.
Special days
Each parent receives equal parenting time or days of parenting on the special day of either the child or any of the parents. Here is that schedule.
Mother’s day
The child should spend time with his or her mother from Friday 6:00 PM to Sunday at 6:00 PM.
Father’s day
The child should spend time with his or her mother from Friday 6:00 PM to Sunday at 6:00 PM.
Child’s Birthday
For the child’s birthday, the parenting time is divided into an odd and even number of years. The non-custodial parent shall have all the children on their birthday’s on even number of years and the custodial parent during the odd number of years from 9:00 AM in the morning till 9:00 PM in the evening. If the child’s birthday falls on a working day then from 5:00 PM in the evening till 8:00 PM.
When the child’s birthday falls within the Special day, holiday, or Christmas vacation. The parent who is having the parenting time will enjoy the birthday with the child.
Parent’s birthday
From 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM with that parent. And if the birthday falls on a working day then from 5:00 PM in the evening until 8:00 PM. If the parents’ birthday falls within the Special day, holiday, or Christmas vacation, the Special day, holiday, or Christmas vacation parenting time will take precedence over.
The following holidays will be awarded to the non-custodial parent during the even-numbered years and to the custodial parent during the odd-numbered years. Here is the list of holidays
- Martin luther king day: if observed by the child’s school then from Friday at 6:00 PM to Monday at 7:00 PM.
- President’s day: if observed by the school then from Friday at 6:00 PM to Monday at 7:00 PM.
- Memorial day: from Friday at 6:00 PM to Monday at 7:00 PM.
- Labor day: From Friday at 6:00 PM until Monday at 7:00 PM.
- Thanksgiving: From 6:00 PM on Wednesday until 7:00 PM on Sunday.
The following holidays will be exercised by the non-custodial parent during odd-numbered years and by the custodial parent during even-numbered years.
- Spring break: From two hours after the child’s last day at school to 7:00 PM on the day before the school starts.
- Easter: From Friday at 6:00 PM until Sunday at 7:00 PM.
- 4th July: From 6:00 PM on July 3rd until 10 AM on July 5th.
- Fall Break: From two hours after the child’s last day at school to 7:00 PM on the day before the school starts.
- Halloween: On Halloween evening from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The time that coincides with the trick or treat in the locality where the non-custodial parent resides.
The Christmas vacation begins on the last day of the school and ends on the day before the school starts.
- Each parent will get to spent half of the Christmas vacation with the kid.
- The custodial parent shall have the kid for the first half of the Christmas vacation in the even-numbered years. The non-custodial parent for the second half of the vacation and vice versa.
- In the year when Christmas does not fall in a parent’s week, that parent will have the kid from Noon to 9:00 PM on Christmas day.
- Under this rule the child should not be exchanged after 9:00 PM or before 8:00 AM the other day morning.
Religious Holidays
Religious holidays should be considered by both the parties and decided mutually. These holidays will not affect the Christmas holiday schedule. However, it may affect the other holiday schedule like Easter parenting time or Christmas day.
Section III: Parenting time when the distance is a major factor
It is obvious that when there is a significant distance between the two parents, deciding on a general parenting schedule becomes very difficult. But, both parties should come to a mutual agreement and then exercise the parenting time.
General parenting time rules
The general parenting time rules will remain the same as the rules discussed in Section I of Indian parenting guidelines.
Parenting schedule
Despite living far apart, both parents should make a point to spent as much time as possible with the kid. As it is the best option for their child’s future and overall development. Here is how they can work out the parenting schedule.
Child under 3 years of age
For a child under 3 years of age, the non-custodial parent gets to spend parenting time of up to two five hour period each week in the community of the custodial parent. They can also opt for the Saturday-Sunday parenting time on alternate weekends.
Child between 3 and 4 years of age
For a child who is of 3 and 4 years of age, the non-custodial parent gets to spent 6 one week segments per year. Each segment should be separated by a period of 6 weeks. It includes the pick-up and return time of the kid and should not exceed more than 8 days.
Child 5 years of age and above
For a child who attends school with a traditional calendar, the non-custodial parent gets to spend 7 weeks of the school summer vacation, 7 days of the school winter vacation, and the entire spring break including both weekends. In this case, the custodial parent will get to spend the religious holidays if any with the child every alternate year.
If the child attends school with a year-round balanced calendar than the parenting time should be adjusted in such a way that the non-custodial parent gets to spend as much time as possible with the child. Just like during the traditional calendar.
The priority of summer parenting time
Summer parenting time with the non-custodial parent is of more priority than any other summer activities such as summer camp. The non-custodial parent can enrol the kid in any such activity around his community during the parenting time.
The extended parenting time notice
The non-custodial parent shall inform the summer vacation parenting time schedule by April 1st every year. If he or she fails to do so then the custodial parent can take decisions.
Special notice of availability
If the child is in the area where the non-custodial parent resides, or if the non-custodial parent is in the vicinity where the child resides, then they can be awarded special parenting time to meet each other. Both the parents should provide notice regarding this to each other as early as possible.
Section IV: Parallel parenting
Parallel parenting is a deviation from the Indiana parenting guidelines given in Section I, Section II, and Section III. This is the section where the court feels that the parents are arguing too much in front of the kid and it is not in the good of the child and its future.
High conflict parents demonstrate a pattern of chronic anger and distrust, and an inability to communicate about the issues related to the child. High conflict parents constantly argue and fight with each other in front of the child. They also tend to blame each other for their problems and also bad mouth the other parent in front of the child. This type of child may develop emotional and behavioral problems.
In parallel parenting time, each parent makes day to day decisions regarding the child, when the child is with them. The safety and the interest of the child is the first priority and the court should realize that one parent unilaterally can also create a high conflict situation, and in that case, the parenting time of the other parent should not be reduced.
Educating the parents
In some communities, the parents can attend the high conflict resolution classes in which, the parents learn how their behavior can have a negative impact on their child’s behavior and development.
Parallel parenting time court order
The court must enter a written agreement with both the parties indicating why the parenting time according to Section I, Section II, and Section III is not possible with them.
Section V: Parenting Coordination
The parenting coordination section is divided into the following subsections. These are the following subsections of it.
- General provisions
- Qualifications
- Appointments and terms of service
- Responsibilities of a parenting coordinator
- Reports, recommendations, and court actions
- Confidentiality
General provisions
- Sometimes the court orders a child-focused dispute resolution process for high conflict parties. For these parties, a parenting coordinator is appointed by the court, who helps the parties to focus on the needs of the child and work in the best interest of the child.
- High conflict parties are those parties who are having disagreements in making decisions about parenting time and other child-related issues.
- Nothing can divert the court of its jurisdiction to determine issues of parenting time, custody, and child support.
- This guideline applies to all parenting coordinators that are appointed after the effective date of adoption of these guidelines
- The parenting coordinator should be experienced in parenting coordination and shall be a registered Indiana Domestic Relations Mediator and the court making the appointment should be satisfied with his experience.
- The individual can get the waiver from the court if he or she has served as a parenting coordinator in an Indiana Circuit superior or juvenile court.
Appointment and terms of services
- A parenting coordinator shall serve on the formal order of the court or by the agreement of the parties, which defines the clear responsibilities of the coordinator.
- Even after entering the parenting time order, the court can define the parenting coordinator, if the court finds the necessity of doing so with an order which states the clear reason for doing so.
- In the case where domestic violence is involved, the person who is the victim of the violence should be properly informed about the parenting coordination process and should be allowed to keep one another person with him or her for protection.
- A written agreement between the parenting coordinator and the parties should be done to solve the issues like bill payments and other things that are not covered by the court.
- The initial term of appointment of parenting coordinator shall not exceed more than two years. But, the court may extend it depending on the goodwill and the impact of the parenting coordinator.
Responsibilities of Parenting Coordinator
- The first and the foremost responsibility of the Parenting Coordinator is to assess the family history for any domestic violence or other things and then help the parents in making joint decisions regarding their child, and to educate them that their conflicts are not in the best interest of the child.
- A parenting coordinator should abide by the court’s law in any case.
- He or she cannot offer any legal advice.
- They can communicate with the parties, their legal counsel, the parties, or the court of the record. But, the conversation should be strictly related to the safety of the parties or the children involved.
- The parenting coordinator has a right to review any documents that are related to parenting and can also get a court order regarding that.
- If both the parties are not able to resolve their issues then, the parenting coordinator has the right to make recommendations to the parties or to the court for further consideration.
- The parenting coordinator should not have any extra communication with the appointing court regarding the case.
- He or she should report any criminal or other activity that hampers him or her from performing duty as a parenting coordinator.
- The parenting coordinator should have his or her own independent observation, which should be impartial when reporting the case to the court.
- A parenting coordinator should report any child abuse or neglect, or any issue of serious harm to a family member or third party to the appropriate authorities.
- A coordinator shall not serve in multiple roles in a case that has a lot of conflict of interest.
- A parenting coordinator should avoid any conflict of interest with any parties pertaining to the case.
Reports, recommendations, and court actions
- If there is a need to change any court order, then the parenting coordinator shall submit a written petition to the court within 20 days of the petition being signed.
- When any suggestions made by the parenting coordinator are not excepted by the parents, then the coordinator can file a written in a detailed report to the courtroom of why the suggestions were made and how will it affect the future of the child and both the parties.
- Any party may file an objection to the recommendation and serve the parenting coordinator within 10 days of the report is filed.
- Responses to the objection shall be filed in the court and served to the parenting coordinator within 10 days of the objection is served.
- The court after reviewing everything may take the following actions
- If the time is of the essence, the court may approve the recommendation. If any party has filed an objection, then the court may expedite the hearing.
- The court may reject the recommendation. However, if any party opposes the recommendation or the rejection by the court then the court will set up a hearing in that case.
- The court may take no immediate action and upon the court’s motion may set up a date for the hearing.
- The parenting coordinator shall submit a written to both the parties and their lawyers.
- All submissions that are made to the court will comply with the rule of no access to the court records.
- Any conversation made as a part of the parenting coordination is not confidential. It becomes confidential only if it is provided by the law.
- Nothing in this guideline intends to create a privilege.
So, this is all about the Indiana Parenting Guidelines that you should be aware of. Please write to us in the comments section for feedback.
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