The birth of a child changes the parents life forever. It is a life changing event. Not only the mother’s life changes, but, the new father’s life also take a drastic turn. The entire process of childbirth is tough. After the child is born, the child demands lot of love, time and sacrifice from both the parents. And this leads to the onset of postpartum depression not only in mother’s but also in father’s. The cases of Postpartum depression in males is at a rise in today’s world.
In most of the cases it is believed that women are the only ones affected by postpartum depression. But, studies have shown that not only women, men can also get affected by postpartum depression. When the men see their child for the first time, they get the feeling of pride and a sense of belonging. But, soon the feeling of pride and the sense of belonging are replaced by sleepless nights, crying infants, dirty diapers and the sense of responsibility towards the little one.
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What is postpartum depression in males?
The earlier pride of having a baby slowly vanishes and this feeling is replaced by the sense of responsibility. The joy of having a baby is now replaced by the sleepless nights, crying infant and the changing relationship in between the husband and the wife. Both of them are trying to adjust into their new roles.
Men usually have to deal with multiple factors. He has to help his wife cope with the entire process of childbirth, he has to manage home and also has to manage work for the better future of his wife and kid. If the wife starts suffering from postpartum depression than he has to deal with that also. During, normal time also he may feel the need to give some rest to his wife and take care of the child all by himself. There is also a feeling of not being a part of his child’s routine activities. All these things added up together and may lead to postpartum depression in male.
Symptoms of postpartum depression in males
The of postpartum depression in males and females are quite the same. These symptoms involve:
- Lack of sleep
- Feeling sad and worthless
- Feeling nervous and anxious
- Sense of worthlessness
You are not alone
Postpartum depression in males is a very serious condition. It affects the overall health of the kid. It also affects the overall situation of the family. Due to postpartum depression a male may not be able to concentrate in his work. This will lead to poor financial status. It also affects the emotional development of the kid.
If you know of any male who is suffering from postpartum depression, please ask him to get in touch with the doctor soon. He is not the only one who is suffering. And this can be cured with the help of medicines, doctor’s advise and family’s love and care.
Postpartum depression in males usually go undetected. Males usually refrain from admitting that they need. They feel that they are the one’s to support their wife and kids.