Getting pregnant is the most important thing of a woman’s life. Giving birth to a baby gives you the status of mother, that is next to God. But, during this entire process the most crucial movement is the time when you give birth to your baby. Most of the times the parents to be and the doctors try to give birth to a baby through normal vaginal delivery. But, many times the doctors have to make the decision of performing a c-section. The doctors may decide this during a scheduled check up in the last days of pregnancy or take an emergency decision on the labor table. There are also options like elective c-section and a planned c-section. There are also various other reasons why doctors choose for a c-section.
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Elective c-section
This is the type where no medical reason is involved, but, the mother wants the delivery by c-section. The doctor may offer this option. Some patients want to be in control of the time when her baby is born. They may want to give birth to their baby on a particular day or date. Also, the patient might be scared of the pain that she has to suffer during the normal vaginal delivery. But, there are also pros and cons of elective c-section.
The pros of c-section are:
- The baby is not deprived of oxygen while vaginal delivery
- The baby does not experience any trauma while passing through birth canal
The cons of c-section are:
- There are lot of complications after c-section
- There is longer recovery period
- You may have to go through another c-section for second delivery
Planned c-section
You can go through a planned c-section by discussing with your doctor. Planned c-section is the process when the doctor decides to plan the date for a c-section knowing that you have a particular medical reason. These reasons included are if you are suffering from diabetes, if you have preeclampsia during pregnancy, if you are carrying twins. Sometimes, the doctor have to decide for an emergency c-section while the patient is on the labor table due to the critical condition of the patient, the baby or both the mother and the baby.
Reason why doctors choose for a c-section
The particular reasons why doctors go through a c-section are as follows
- Preeclampsia
- Premature delivery
- Multiple pregnancies
- Fetal distress
- Sexually transmitted disease in mother
- Fibroids
- abruption of placenta
- Placenta previa
- Position of the fetus
- Previous history of c-section
- Cephalopelvic disproportion
- Cord prolapse
- Cord looped around the baby’s neck
Pre-eclampsia is a condition in pregnancy in which there is a sudden rise in the blood pressure of the mother. This condition usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy. There is also the increased quantity of protein in urine. It causes impaired formation of blood vessels in placenta and hence the placenta does not receive enough blood to provide full oxygen to the baby. In mothers with severe preeclampsia, c-section is inevitable as the preeclampsia makes vaginal delivery impossible.
Premature delivery
Sometimes due to many reasons the women may go into premature labor. If the delivery is happening way earlier then the expected delivery date, the baby might not be positioned properly for the proper vaginal delivery. Hence, the doctor has to take the decision of performing the c-section
Multiple pregnancies
When the patient is carrying twins or triplets usually the vaginal delivery is not possible. So, the doctor decides to go for a c-section.
Fetal distress
In the labor room the baby and the mother are constantly monitored by the hospital staff. They also monitor the fetal heart rate. If the fetal heart rate is lowered. The baby is not receiving enough oxygen in the womb. The fetus is under stress and the doctor decides to perform c-section. If the water breaks and if there are traces of meconium (the baby’s first stool) in it, then the baby has passed stool in the womb and may inhale the same. The inhaled meconium may get stuck into the baby’s respiratory tract or lungs and the baby may die. In this case the doctor will immediately perform c-section.
Sexually transmitted disease in mother
If the mother is suffering from HIV or other disease like Herpes, there are chances that the baby might get infected to it while passing through the birth canal for vaginal delivery. In this case the doctor will decide to go with c-section.
The fibroids developed at the mouth of the cervix will make vaginal delivery impossible. So, if the pregnancy period has gone perfectly then the doctor will decide a planned c-section.
Abruption of placenta
The placental abruption can happen any time and lead to emergency c-section. In this the placenta gets seperated from the uterine lining. There is the sudden decrease in the oxygen amount that the baby receives and this may result in neural damage of the baby or the death of the baby.
Placenta previa
In this during the entire period of pregnancy, the placenta lies covering the mouth of the cervix. The placenta lies low. This may change with proper rest and medication. But, if not then the doctor plans for a c-section.
Position of the fetus
Sometimes until full term, the baby may not come into its natural position of vaginal delivery. The baby may be in leg first horizontal position or in a total breach position. In this case the doctor will have to go through c-section.
Previous history of c-section
If you have had your first baby via c-section, then it is possible to deliver the second child via vaginal delivery. But, there are chances that during vaginal delivery the cut of the previous c-section is ruptured. Hence, it is advisable to discuss with your doctor first.
Cephalopelvic disproportion
The size of the mother’s pelvis might be smaller then the baby’s head and hence cause obstruction in the delivery. This decision is made in the labor room only.
Cord prolapse
In such cases, sometimes the placenta slips through the vagina first and makes the vaginal birth impossible.
Cord looped around the baby’s neck
The cord is tightly looped around the baby’s neck. The baby might get suffocated due to tension on the neck due to the tight pulling of the cord while passing through the birth canal. Hence the c-section becomes necessary.
These are the various reasons due to which the doctor decides to perform c-section.